The ceremony for children with disabilities but with diverse abilities

Roshd Charity Foundation with the support of United Nations Information Center Tehran (UNIC) on International Day of Persons with Disabilities, held a special ceremony for 30 disabled children who have suffered Down syndrome at Roshd complex on 11 Dec 2017. Madam Maryam Zarif, the wife of the Foreign Minister, was a guest of honor at this event. Also, their mothers, teachers and welfare organization authorities have participated in this ceremony.

Children recited poetry in Persian and English, sung songs, played games, showed the art of karate and told the audience about their successes in sports, in reciting the Holy Quran, in education and art and the challenges of everyday life.  Also, traditional Iranian handicrafts made by children were displayed.


“I had tears on my eyes, when a little boy with Down syndrome, affectionately sang the Islamic Republic of Iran’s anthem.  The whole audience stood up to applaud and share his pride!” smiled Madam Zarif.

“These children’s abilities and achievements are amazing and inspiring!  I know how difficult the life is for the mothers and families, and I admire your strength and commitment to your kids.  Professionalism, love, and dedication of their teachers and school management contributed to the successes of these able kids.  It was impressive to learn that many kids know other languages, won special sports competitions and championships, despite all the challenges.  I will convey your requests for support from the authorities,” added Madam Zarif.


They received special awards from Madam Zarif and UNIC Director Maria Dotsenko and enjoyed conversations and taking photos with the guests of the event.

I love you and thank you for coming, for being with us,” beamed with the smile 20-years old Melica, who has a black belt in karate.

“UNIC appreciates all efforts of our partners from Roshd Foundation, which is accredited by Department of Public Information and affiliated with the ECOSOC. The devotion of teachers, like Madam Ameri and others, who give warmth of their hearts to these youngsters, helps them to feel proud and included. The generous support of donors, such as Mir-Mohammad Sadeghi family, makes an enormous difference in the life of these young people,” said Maria Dotsenko, UNIC Director.


Furthermore, educational animation and posters in Persian on 70th anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights were displayed as well as other UN promotional materials were distributed by UNIC team.

Iranian authorities support children with disabilities through the Iranian Welfare Organization. Children came from Shahid Beheshti Disabled Children School in Tehranpars.

Finally, Roshd Charity Foundation sincerely appreciates Madam Dotsenko and her team in UNIC for all their support on this event.